Objects TYPES & Fill STYLES

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Objects TYPES & Fill STYLES

An embroidery design is made of a sequence of Embroidery Objects. An embroidery object includes the shape definition and the fill properties specifications to produce the expected stitches.


There are 3 main kind of object types.




Open shape, defined by a sequence of nodes

Read about the elements and how to digitize a PATH object




Closed shape, defined by a sequence line segments being the line segment defined by a pair of nodes.

Read about the elements and how to digitize a COLUMN object




Closed shape, defined by the contour made of a sequence of nodes (it may include holes)


According to the stitch direction line, Area has 3 sub-types:



Uniform Area

Area, where there is a single straight stitch direction or none

Read about the elements and how to digitize an UNIFORM AREA object



Turning Area

Area, where there are several stitch directions and stitches turn accordingly

Read about the elements and how to digitize an TURNING AREA object



Flexible Area

Area, where there is a single curve stitch direction

Read about the elements and how to digitize an FLEXIBLE AREA object