Embroidery Block Editing

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Embroidery Block Editing

Block Editing refers to a set of functions or actions that can be applied to a group of objects as a block, such as move, scale, rotate, repeat, align, etc. Many of the block editing functions can be applied to blocks containing 1 single object or several objects, of 1 single object type or several object types, of 1 single decoration specialty or several decoration specialties simultaneously.


The sequence of steps for any block editing function is the same:

1.Activate the Object Editing Mode (click on the Edit Object function, on the MAIN toolbar).

2.Select the Block (1 or several objects) with any of the available selection options

3.Execute any of the available block editing functions.



When you select one object, you are able to use both Object Editing and Block Editing modes at the same time. Instead, when you select several objects, only the Block Editing mode is available.

Not all selection options are available for all decoration types.

Not all block editing functions are available for all decoration types.

Not all the block editing functions are available when selecting mixed decoration specialties.




List of editing functions related to blocks


Select a Block of Objects (several ways to select a block)

Clipboard functions (cut, copy, paste...)

Transform a Block (move, scale, rotate...)

Repeat a Block (duplicate, repeat on grid...)

Align a Block (align objects to objects and design)

Combine Objects (add, intersect, trim, simplify..)

Sort Objects (move forward, move back...)

Group Objects (group, ungroup)

Branch Objects (branch, disconnect)

Memory (write to, insert from)

Create Offset Contour

Create Offset Parallel

Convert Embroidery Objects to Vector