Select a Block

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Select a Block

A block is a set of objects containing 1 single object or several objects, of 1 single object type or several object types, of 1 single decoration specialty or several decoration specialties simultaneously.

There are several ways to select a block.

Select object by object

Select a range of objects

Select by Rectangle

Select by Outline


Select by Color

Select by Properties (embroidery only)

Select All Embroidery (embroidery only)


Select All Objects

Invert Selection

Unselect Objects



This article explains how to select a block of objects and how to apply block editing functions to the selected blocks, but this is not the only way this application offers to perform those actions.

You can also select a block through the Document Map on the Object Manager panel. The Document Map contains the complete list of objects, then you can select the objects of the blocks from that list. Then, you can also select a block editing function to apply through the context menu available with a mouse right click.