What's new in version 23.13

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What's new in version 23.13


Version 23.13 is a maintenance release that includes several fixes and some new features.

What's new in version 23.13 for the Embroidery Software Products

What's new in version 23.13 for the Bling (rhinestone, spangle, etc) Software Products

How to get to version 23.13 ?

This maintenance release is not for sale. It is only available free of charge for:

Software products version 23 with active Super Plan subscriptions

Software products version 23.10 / 23.11

If you have a version 23 product with an active Super Plan subscription, you will receive the notification in-app on the notification bar when the new version becomes available.

If you have a version 23.00 or 23.01 product with an expired subscription to Super Plan, you can reactivate (renew) it to continue receiving all the new software versions, as soon as they become available.

If you have a software product version 20 or an older version, you can purchase the update to the last available version (and get a 6-months Super Plan subscription for free)



The features presented here may not correspond to the software line or software configuration you own. While many features may apply equally to products intended for different types of decorations, other features may apply only to certain types of decoration, and to certain levels of products. If you have any questions, you can consult with your local software distributor or directly with Sierra Software using the sales contact form.