Products Installation

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Products Installation


When you purchase a software product (either perpetual license or subscription) you will receive an email with the instructions and information required to download the product setup files, the installation password and the installation guide.

The Installation guide contains information about the computer and operating system requirements to use the product and detailed, step by step instructions to install, register and activate it.

If you don't have the email at hand, you can get the product setup files, installation guide and installation password following the steps listed below:


Embroidery Office, Stitch Era and Hotfix Era Perpetual Licenses (version 17 and higher) and Subscriptions (all versions)

1- Point your internet browser to

2- Use the link "Download Installation Software & Password" located at the bottom of the section Download Software & Installation Password

3- Fill in the form with your serial number and press Next (if you have a subscription product you may have several serial numbers; you can use any of them).

4- Complete the form with the information requested, review the terms and conditions, check the mark and press Next

5- A box with several links will appear. Use the links to download what you need (instalaltion guide, installation file or password)


Embroidery Office Perpetual Licenses (version 15 and previous)

1- Point your internet browser to the Service Center of the website

2- Use your username and password to login and get access to your product downloads


Stitch Era and Hotfix Era Perpetual Licenses (version 15 and previous)

1- Point your internet browser to the Service Center of the website

2- Use your username and password to login and get access to your product downloads