Digitizing METHODS

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Digitizing METHODS

Digitizing Methods refers to the methods to create new objects (of any type) for the design document. There are several methods to digitize any object.


If you want to create a circle full of stitches, your first questions is:

How to I create that circle? How do I draw that circle?

Using any of the following digitizing methods. Digitizing methods refer to how to create the geometry of the object based on the artwork image (manual digitizing, auto-digitizing, etc).

As this article is focused in the geometry of the object, it doesn't include any detail about the objects (elements, fill properties, etc) but just the main geometry (shape) of the object. Following articles will explain all the objects elements and fill properties in detail.



As you may expect from a perfectly integrated software which produces designs for several decoration specialties (vector graphic, embroidery, bling, etc), most of the digitizing modes can be used to create objects of different decoration types. We will then explain how to digitize using one of the decoration specialties, you may then use the same procedure to create objects of any decoration specialty.


Select any of the following digitizing methods


Digitizing Geometric Shapes

Digitizing Vector Objects

Classic Digitizing (Manual)

Auto-Trace Digitizing

Free-Hand Digitizing


As you see, there are several digitizing methods. You can use any or several methods while creating a design. The only essential digitizing method is the CLASSIC digitizing or MANUAL digitizing, as it allows you to create any kind of objects and control each part of it in detail.