The Stitches Sequence

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The Stitches Sequence

The Stitches Sequence panel shows the list of stitches of the design as a table.

This tool is synchronized with the active design, that is:

When you select a stitch in the workspace, the Stitches Sequence panel will show and highlight the corresponding stitch. When you select a stitch in the Stitch Sequence panel, the workspace will show and highlight the corresponding stitch.

Changes made in the Stitches Sequence panel will be reflected in the design on the Workspace. Changes of individual stitches or machine commands made in the Workspace will be reflected in the Stitches Sequence panel.

You can open the Stitches Sequence panel by clicking on the "Embroidery Objects" tab on the right side of the screen.



Emb sequence 1

The list of stitches shows the following information (columns):


It shows the order number of the embroidery object with the object type (number is within <> symbols). It also shows the stitch order number within that object with the thread color.

H (mm)

Shows the stitches relative displacement on the horizontal axis or its absolute coordinate.

V (mm)

Shows the stitches relative displacement on the vertical axis or its absolute coordinate.

You can use the arrow keys to navigate along the stitch list.


Emb sequence 3

You can execute several actions from the context menu of the Stitch List panel (insert and delete stitches, insert and delete machine commands, etc.), by pressing the right mouse button anywhere on the panel.



Togle to Stitch Editing mode

When selecting any stitch from the list, the application will switch automatically to the stitch (expanded) editing mode.