More Properties

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More Properties

The MORE tab of the Object Inspector includes complementary properties such as size, order, connections, etc.

There are two main groups in this tab.



Size & Order


Change the order (sequence) of the selected object.


Change the position of the selected object by modifying its horizontal and vertical coordinates.


Change the size of the selected object  by modifying its width and height values.

Connections & Functions:

Entry & Exit Points:

User defined:

Change the position of the entry and/or exit point of the object by modifying its horizontal and vertical coordinates.

Close Point:

Optimize the the entry/exit points to be positioned at the closest distance of the previous and/or the next object in the design sequence.

Commands Before/After Object:

Insert a specific command (Machine Stop, Speed change, Borer on/off, Hoop in/out, Sequin On/Off, etc) before and/or after the selected object.

Lock Stitches at Start/End:

Insert a security stitch to avoid thread loosening or streching out of shape. Select between the available lock stitches (Classic, Star, Arrow, etc) and set its length, scale and repetitions.


Insert a thread trim/cut after the selected object.