This fill style places a set of paths with running stitches on an area defined by a column object type. Paths are created according to the direction lines defined by the node pairs of the column and the area width
How to create an object of this type?
➢Select the tool Create a Column with Longitudinal Stitches through any available way:
oOpen the Smart Design window and select the corresponding tool.
oClick on the arrow below the "Create Objects" button and select the corresponding tool.
oOpen the tooltab EMBROIDERY, click on the arrow below the "Column" button and select the corresponding tool.
A context ToolsTab containing the most frequently used properties of this fill style will open.
➢Set the fill properties from the ToolsTab (above) or the Object Inspector (below).
➢Digitize the object (through any digitizing method) by inserting the required elements of this object type. |

➢Confirm and GENERATE stitches.
➢If editing is required, just select the Select Object tool on the Main Toolbar. |


About Fill Style Properties
•You can edit (define or modify) all the properties of this object type from the Object Inspector (see below). •The most commonly used properties are also available on the corresponding tooltab. •The current value of the properties are displayed on the Object Inspector or the tooltab when an object of this type is being created or when an existing object of this type is selected. |

Color Number

This is the color number of the thread/color palette.
You can change the color number from the color bar, from the context tooltab or from the object inspector.
The thread color for this color number is defined (and can be redefined) on the thread/color palette.
The stitches of the selected object will be created using the selected color.
This number is also the needle number of the embroidery machine (for multi-needle machines), unless the needle sequence is redefined.
Change Color Number on a Path with Running Stitches
Change Color Number on a Path with Zig-Zag Stitches
Change Color Number on a Path with E Stitches
It specifies the color number of the thread palette corresponding to the main color of the object.

Set how many stitches or lines of stitches (by length unit) are created during the object creation.
The higher the density is, more stitches will created (and the spacing between them will decrease).
Stitch Density on a Path with Zig-Zag Stitches
Density: 3 stitches / mm
Density: 6 stitches / mm
Stitch Density on a Path with E Stitches
Density: 0.4 lines / mm
Density: 1.0 lines / mm
Stitch Density on a Path with Longitudinal Stitches
Density: 2 lines / mm
Density: 4 lines / mm
Stitch Density on an Area Path with Pattern Fill Stitches
Density: 2 lines / mm
Density: 6 lines / mm
It specifies the number of stitches or lines of stitches arrays of the object.
Stitch Length

Distance between the stitch ends (needle perforations).
You can change the stitch length. Increasing this value will decrease the number of stitches of the selected object.
Change Stitch Length on a Path with Running Stitches
stitch lenght 1.0 mm
stitch lenght 4.0 mm
Change Stitch Length on an Area with Pattern Fill Stitches
stitch lenght 1.0 mm
stitch lenght 4.0 mm
It specifies the regular stitch size, that is distance between the stitches ends (where the needle goes through the fabric).

This is the number of overlapped stitches.
On Running Stitches, Longitudinal Stitches, etc:
Available options are:
oSmall Steps: Repetition is performed in a stitch-by-stitch basis: step forward, step back and step forward again. oLong Steps: Repetition is performed from beginning to end, repeating all the path backwards and finally forwards.
Small steps
Long steps


Repeat on Zig-Zag Stitches:
You can can also select the side (A, B, Both) and set a repeat value.
It specifies the overlapped stitches to highlight those stitches.
Step Offset

It is the offset of the stitches ends between consecutive fill lines:
•0 (no offset). •0.25 (25% approx. offset). •0.33 (33% approx. offset). •0.5 (50% approx. offset). |
Step Offset: 0%
Step Offset: 25%
Step Offset: 33%
Step Offset: 50%
It sets the offset of stitches ends between consecutive lines of stitches.
Ends (of rows) Finish

Change the finishing of each end of the lines of stitches:
•Clipped: The tracks are clipped with the border shape and small stitches are added on the border to connect tracks. •Optimized: No small stitches are placed on the border to connect consecutive tracks. |
Edge: optimized
Edge: Clipped
It specifies the stitch row finishing.

Delete Small Stitches
Filter the small stitches of the object (smaller than the indicated value).
Options are:
oAutomatic: The filter is enabled and the minimum stitch length used is the general value set in Options And Preferences. oUser defined: The system will delete stitches shorter than the indicated value. Sample of Delete Small Stitches: Path with Running Stitches
Before applying the filter
After applying the filter


Sample of Delete Small Stitches: Column with Zig-Zag Stitches
Before applying the filter
After applying the filter


It deletes the stitches that are smaller than a predefined value (unnecessary & inconvenient).
Avoid Stitches near the Border
Area close to the border free of stitches. The exclusion margin avoids small stitches near the edges, as they may produce an irregular finishing aspect.
Disable Avoid Stitches near Border
Enable Avoid Stitches near Border


It defines a exclusion margin free of stitches.
Lock Stitches in Internal Connections
Insert tack-down stitches to prevent unfixed stitches when connecting far parts of the object.
Types of Lock Stitches are:
oClassic oStar oTwist oCross oArrow Properties:
•Length: Specify the lock stitch length for Classic type. •Scale: change the size of the lock stitch. •Repetition: Define the number of times to repeat the lock stitch.
It adds stitches to fix the thread, recommendable on thread trims and color changes.
Read also
•Concepts about the COLUMN object.
•Concepts about Classic Digitizing.