What's new in version 23.10 (bling)?

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What's new in version 23.10 (bling)?

New in version 23.10 (i10) - Bling

New Click & Do Tool

Create new objects with just a single click using existing contours or a combination of them. It works with holes, regions inside objects, overlapped objects...

No need to digitize the shape, the tool does it for you. The tool is available in the Digitizing Methods group, at the left of the objects creation tooltabs and at the toolbar of the Smart Design



Bling Painter

New tool to easily change bed types. It works no matter to what object the beads belong, and even for exploded beads



Select by Shape

A new Selection mode, using autoshapes. It works with exploded beads and allows bead selection to create nice effects in seconds



Select by Properties

Another new selection mode for bling objects, based on their properties: by object type, by fill style and by bead type.



Grid Repetitions tool tab

A new, full interactive tool tab, allows better control of grid repetitions.

The tooltab appears when you select Grid Repetitions at the Repetitions group in the main toolbar.



Distribute Objects

A new function makes it easier to arrange the selected objects so that they have the same horizontal or vertical spacing.


Beads Alignment

Now you can use the alignment functions with a group of selected beads.



New Auto-scroll feature

Follow the shapes of the images while digitizing using the new In Leaps auto-scroll mode.

When you reach the auto-scroll region, the system automatically scrolls the workspace but keeping the pointer at the same coordinates.

You can enable the feature during creation or edition. Auto-scroll details (activation, mode, region and leap size) are configurable from the Options box




Improvements in version 23.10 (i10)

hmtoggle_arrow1User Interface
hmtoggle_arrow1General tools

Fixes in version 23.10 (i10)

hmtoggle_arrow1User Interface
hmtoggle_arrow1Object Edition and Generation