What's new in version 23.01

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What's new in version 23.01

Version 23.01 is a maintenance release that includes several fixes and some new features.

Product improvements and fixes

Software Products for the creation of embroidery designs

Software Products for the creation of bling designs (rhinestone, spangle, etc)

How to update to version 23.01 ?

As this is a maintenance release, it is available, free of charge, for all version 23.00 users.

If you are running the product in a computer connected to internet, a yellow notification ribbon will appear in the product screen. You just need to press the Install button and follow the instructions. The process is almost completely automatic.

If your computer is not connected to internet, please login into the Area for Users and, in the home page, look for the entry to Update your product to version 23.01



The features presented here may not correspond to the software line or software configuration you own. While many features may apply equally to products intended for different types of decorating for products of all levels, other features may apply only to certain types of decorating, and to certain levels of products. If you have any questions, you can consult with your local software distributor or directly with Sierra Software using the sales contact form.