What's new in version 23 (bling)?

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What's new in version 23 (bling)?

User interface improvements

hmtoggle_arrow1New start page in File menu
hmtoggle_arrow1Menu File New/Open: Delete recently used designs
hmtoggle_arrow1Sequence list of vector objects
hmtoggle_arrow1Panels with Design Properties
hmtoggle_arrow1Main toolbar: completely redesigned
hmtoggle_arrow1Object and block functions
hmtoggle_arrow1Bar with hotfix Stones and Sequins Palette: redesigned
hmtoggle_arrow1Bling Palette Editor: Form redesigned and reorganized
hmtoggle_arrow1Bling design startup wizard
hmtoggle_arrow1Template to start a design
hmtoggle_arrow1Color bars: direct selection

Digitizing functions

hmtoggle_arrow1Smart design: Redesigned to increase productivity
hmtoggle_arrow1Standard digitizing: using right-click to insert nodes
hmtoggle_arrow1Hands-free digitizing: extended functionality
hmtoggle_arrow1Areas with bling texture filling: new components included
hmtoggle_arrow1Fast digitizing: Predefined geometric shapes

Block Editing

hmtoggle_arrow1Smart Duplicate: new feature
hmtoggle_arrow1Repeat on grid: extended feature
hmtoggle_arrow1Duplicate and miror objects or blocks: new feature
hmtoggle_arrow1Combine objects: remove overlapping function
hmtoggle_arrow1Order functions: extended
hmtoggle_arrow1Contour creation: improved form
hmtoggle_arrow1Vector objects: add parallel lines
hmtoggle_arrow1Bling objects: add parallel lines
hmtoggle_arrow1Combine bling objects and vector objects
hmtoggle_arrow1Clone filling style, for bling objects

Object Editing

hmtoggle_arrow1Move elements of objects
hmtoggle_arrow1Inserting and adding new nodes in objects

Visualization Tools

hmtoggle_arrow1Design preview on garments
hmtoggle_arrow1Screen scrolling
hmtoggle_arrow1Guidelines: set of predefined values
hmtoggle_arrow1Show / Hide objects

Prepare, Print, Export Bling Designs

hmtoggle_arrow1Export / Send Bling Designs (stones / sequins): Preview
hmtoggle_arrow1Printing designs with bling: an especially asked feature
hmtoggle_arrow1Importing rhinestone stencil files (vectors)

More tools

hmtoggle_arrow1Circular context menu: new feature
hmtoggle_arrow1Measuring tool: extended
hmtoggle_arrow1Photo capture: improvement in form
hmtoggle_arrow1Search in the components gallery: auto-filter
hmtoggle_arrow1Document map: Grouped objects
hmtoggle_arrow1In-app messaging: significant improvements

Application performance

hmtoggle_arrow1Processing of bling objects
hmtoggle_arrow1Video Optimization

Options and preferences

hmtoggle_arrow1Undo after Save
hmtoggle_arrow1Grid adjustments: more colors
hmtoggle_arrow1Block Menu: enable / disable

Other miscellaneous improvements and fixes

hmtoggle_arrow1Open, Save, Export Forms: mejoras
hmtoggle_arrow1Export vector files
hmtoggle_arrow1Correction of various errors