What's new in version 23.11 (embroidery)?

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What's new in version 23.11 (embroidery)?

New features in version 23.11 - Embroidery

Pull Compensation for Photo Fill

Photo Fill stitch style has a new property, Pull Compensation. You can use it not only to compensate the thread tension but to enhance the black regions of the image as well.

Find the new Pull Compensation property at the Object Inspector, section Adjustment and Compensation.



Easy conversion to plain stitches

Convert any embroidery object to plain stitches with the Convert Object to Stitches command.

The tool appears inside the Convert group at the main toolbar


Improvements in 23.11

hmtoggle_arrow1User Interface
hmtoggle_arrow1General tools

Fixes in version 23.11

hmtoggle_arrow1User Interface
hmtoggle_arrow1Object Edition and Generation