File > Information

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File > Information

This section contains functions related the design properties and features related to the commercial activity.

The following image shows the File > Information section.





Design Properties InfoCard

Design Properties (InfoCard)

Summary of design properties, including information about authoring and classification. Also available at the Information tab within the main window.

EO file information 3

Embroidery Properties (InfoCard)

Summary of Embroidery properties. Also available at the Information tab within the main window.

Hotfix Properties InfoCard

Bling Properties (InfoCard)

Summary of Bling properties. Also available at the Information tab within the main window.


Group: SHARE


EO file information 2

Send Embroidery Design by e-mail

Send the embroidery design in the active design document in the selected machine format by e-mail as a file attachment

Send Design by e-mail

Send Design by e-mail

Send the active design document by e-mail as a file attachment




EO file information 4

Embroidery Production Timing

Estimate the time required for the production of the embroidery designs

EO file information 5

Embroidery Pricing

Create a production budget for the current design

Hotfix Database Price Setting

Bling Database Price Setting

Set Bling prices for later use in costing calculation

Hotfix Pricing

Bling Pricing

Calculate Bling design cost based on bling count used and prices defined


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