Stitches Block Editing

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Stitches Block Editing

A stitch block is just a group of stitches. You can select any stitch block to work on all that group of stitches at the same time.

A stitch block can contain consecutive or non-consecutive stitches (which can be interpreted of several groups with consecutive stitches).



It is very important to understand the difference between a stitches block and an embroidery object:

The embroidery object is the base entity to create new embroidery designs. The stitches produced by the object are the result of the properties of that object. In other words, all those stitches are simply consequence of the object definition.

The block of stitches are a group of stitches that have nothing in common, there is no entity that groups them. They are just part of a group only because an user decided to work with all those stitches at the same time.


The steps to work with stitch blocks are:

1.Activate the Stitch Editing mode

2.Select a Block (group of stitches)

3.Use the Block for any action (block functions)


Activate the Stitch Editing Mode

Click on EDIT STITCHES on the MAIN toolbar, or press the F12 key.




If you open an embroidery design file (expanded/machine format), the Stitch Editing Mode will be loaded automatically.

Select Block

There are several ways to select blocks, including the standard selection tools (by range, by color, outline on the graphic view, etc.) and the advanced selection tools (they include patterns recognition).

When the Stitch Editing mode is activated, the Stitch Editing toolbar is displayed.


hmtoggle_plus1Select All
hmtoggle_plus1Select by Rectangle
hmtoggle_plus1Select by Outline
hmtoggle_plus1Select Start and End of Block
hmtoggle_plus1Select a Block separated by Machine Commands
hmtoggle_plus1Select a Block with a specific Color
hmtoggle_plus1Clean Selection
hmtoggle_plus1Multiple Block Selection
hmtoggle_plus1Stitch Block List