Stitches Block Advanced Editing

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Stitches Block Advanced Editing

This application offers an advanced set of stitch type recognition and block processing tools. That is, blocks of consecutive stitches can be automatically defined when the application realizes that they constitute a known stitch type or fill style (zig-zag stitches, pattern stitches, etc). Then, the application offers specific functions for those kind of blocks.

Auto-detect Blocks with Stitch Type Recognition

The application includes tools to recognize and re-process stitch types on Expanded Design, such as Running Stitches, Zig Zags or Fill Patterns.

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1.Activate the Stitch Editing mode ("Edit Stitches" button on the Thread Color Bar or by pressing the F12 key).

2.Click on one of the stitches of a supposed stitch type.

3.Click on the "Detect" button to display the options you can use to select (a specific type of stitch).

hmtoggle_plus1Detect All the Stitch Types
hmtoggle_plus1Detect Running Stitches
hmtoggle_plus1Detect Zig-Zag Stitches
hmtoggle_plus1Detect Pattern Stitches
hmtoggle_plus1Recognize Objects (Stitch Types)
hmtoggle_plus1Adjust the Stitch Type Detector

Smart Re-size a Stitches Block

Change the size of the selected block of stitches.

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After selecting a block of stitches using the stitch type recognition tools, click on the "Resize" button on the Stitch Editing tooltab, Block Processing group. The "Change Dimension" window opens.

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You can re-size the block of stitches by moving the horizontal and/or vertical slider to change the values or type it in the corresponding box.



Density Compensation

If you unmark the Density Compensation box, the re-size function will change the size of the block of stitches just by enlarging or reducing the length of the stitches included in the block of stitches. The number of stitches will basically remain constant.

Instead, if you mark the Density Compensation box, the re-size function will change the size of the block of stitches by re-processing the recognized stitch types trying to keep the original stitch density (instead of the number of stitches). The number of stitches will be increased when the block is enlarged or decreased correspondingly if the block is reduced.

Smart Block Re-processing

Make changes in the stitch type of the selected block

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After selecting a block of stitches using the stitch type recognition tools, click on the "Processing" button on the Stitch Editing tooltab, Block Processing group. The "Block Processing" window opens.

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Functions are classified on tabs according to the stitch type.

General Tab

The following functions apply to the overall block of stitches.

Filter small stitches

Change the stitch density

Change the outline width

Zig-Zag Stitches Tab

The following functions apply to the blocks of zig-zag stitches.

Outline Clean (smooth edges)

Outline Random (irregular edges)

Outline Width (widen or narrow edges)

Change Stitches Density

Change Stitches Angle

Change to Pattern Stitch

Add Split Stitches

Pattern Stitches Tab

The following functions apply to the blocks of pattern stitches.

Outline Clean (smooth edges)

Outline Random (irregular edges)

Outline Width (widen or narrow edges)

Change Stitches Density

Convert to Zig-Zag  Stitch Type

Change Pattern Stitch

Running Stitches Tab

The following functions apply to the blocks of running stitches.


Convert Stitches Blocks to Embroidery Objects

This function does the EXPANDED TO CONDENSED conversion. You can convert the whole expanded design (sequence of stitches) into a condensed design (sequence of objects) or parts of the design. Basically, it converts the found blocks of recognized stitch types into the appropriate embroidery objects.

This the ideal tool when you want to edit an expanded design file (machine format file) with the power of Object Editing.


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After selecting a block of stitches or the complete design, click on the "Wireframe" button on the Stitch Editing tooltab, Block Processing group. That's all.

You can then activate the Object Editing mode (Edit Object), select the new created embroidery objects, and edit both the objects geometry and the objects properties.

See an example of how does this feature work:


Open an expanded embroidery design (machine file format).

Use the Recognition function to detect an area with pattern stitches (and define a block).

Use the Wireframe function to convert that block into an embroidery (condensed) object.

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Use the Edit Object or Select Object tool to select the new created Embroidery Object.

The geometry of the selected object can be edited from the workspace (shape, stitches direction, size, etc).

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You can now easily edit this object: enlarge or reduce the object and change other object properties.

The properties of the selected object can be edited from the context tooltab and from the Object Inspector (color, density, underlay, compensations, etc).



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Stitch Era levels




Available (extra feature) in

Requires the module

SE EDIT (10)











































