Embroidery Components Builders

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Embroidery Components Builders


This application includes a huge number of pre-designed system components. Components are a set of resources of different kinds used for different purposes in the software. As an example, pre-digitized embroidery fonts are components of a specific kind, which are used when it is required to add lettering to the embroidery design.

Not only the software can use the system components created by the software manufacturer (system library), you can also create new custom components to enlarge the component library: user defined components.

The tools required to create new custom components for each kind of resource are the Component Builders. The component builders may be available in some software configurations as included features or as optional extra features.

Most users of this application have never created a single new component of any kind. The have been using the system components provided by the software manufacturer, which are enough for most embroidery design needs. Even when there are builders to create fonts or other kind of resources, there is no need to create new components each time you need to use one. Building components is only necessary if you need a specific resource not included in your software configuration, and you expect to use it many times.


List of Component Builders

Embroidery Font Builder

Embroidery Font Builder Advanced

Embroidery Fill Pattern Builder

Embroidery Programmable Stitch Builder

Embroidery Motif Builder



Read about the availability of this feature in your software level: Stitch Era Levels & Features