What is this bling software for?

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What is this bling software for?

The digitizing software can perform many activities that you can now understand:

Activities related to condensed designs creation

Open condensed designs DSG

The application can read condensed design to view every detail of each object, and the objects sequence.

Object editing

Users can modify each object individually, that is, change any geometric element and any property, including the main fill style. Users can modify an object as a block or a block containing a group of objects (move, copy, delete, resize, reshape, reorder, etc). Users can also convert the object types.

Create designs

Users can create new designs starting from scratch using any of the digitizing methods provided by the application. Objects can be created on-the-fly, from pre-defined shapes, based on images, automatically created from images and produced by other object creation tools (lettering, etc).

Merge designs

Users can add objects to create a new design. Users can also insert text objects from the lettering system to customize existing designs.

Save condensed designs DSG

The application can write condensed design, which is the most convenient format to store designs for a later use as it keeps all the features assigned during the creation process.

Export expanded designs

Condensed designs can be exported as expanded designs to any available machine file format (beads generation automatically applies).


Activities related to expanded designs

Import expanded designs

The application can read some design files prepared for machines in different file formats. Once read, users can view these designs on-screen (in the software workspace) in detail as well as the stitches sequence.

Beads editing

Users can modify each individual bead type, beads positions and block of beads (move, copy, delete, rotate, enlarge, etc). Users can merge expanded designs.

Merge designs

Users can add objects to the expanded design to create a new design. Users can insert text objects from the lettering system to customize existing designs.

Export expanded designs

Expanded designs or designs with both expanded data (beads type and sequence) and condensed data (objects) can be exported as expanded designs for production machines (beads generation will apply if required).


This list is just a summary of some activities. This application is an advanced software product for the creation of designs for several apparel decoration specialties. Not only you will be able to export bling designs, then there are many other available activities you can perform with this amazing application.