What´s New in Version 20.12?

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What´s New in Version 20.12?

What's new in version 20.12?


Issues Fixed

hmtoggle_arrow1Product start-up issues
hmtoggle_arrow1Thread Color Palette issues
hmtoggle_arrow1Saving user's resources issue
hmtoggle_arrow1Low resolution displays or large Windows user interface font sizes
hmtoggle_arrow1Visualization issues
hmtoggle_arrow1Issues while creating / editing objects
hmtoggle_arrow1Export issues


hmtoggle_arrow1More information in the Thumbnails view
hmtoggle_arrow1Block Menu
hmtoggle_arrow1Print Preview

New in this version

hmtoggle_arrow1Extended Scanner drivers compatibility
hmtoggle_arrow1New property for Combined Underlays
hmtoggle_arrow1Sequin fixing style