What´s New in Version 20.10?

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What´s New in Version 20.10?

What's new in version 20.10?


Issues Fixed

hmtoggle_arrow1Lettering Error: Access Violation
hmtoggle_arrow1Error opening the application: EController Error
hmtoggle_arrow1Problem saving designs on certain software levels
hmtoggle_arrow1Incorrect duplication of Repetitions command
hmtoggle_arrow1Shortcuts (hot keys) that didn't always work
hmtoggle_arrow1Problem reading Books from previous versions
hmtoggle_arrow1Update Installation Error: Hoops.db3
hmtoggle_arrow1Duplicate Color Sequence Printing
hmtoggle_arrow1Error in Advanced Shapes: Access Violation
hmtoggle_arrow1Monograms: Lost Explode command
hmtoggle_arrow1Error in Embroidery Explorer in Hebrew language
hmtoggle_arrow1Installation problems by user type
hmtoggle_arrow1Error with colors displayed in the Imaging editor


hmtoggle_arrow1Context Help (F1) more available
hmtoggle_arrow1Filter in Fonts selection
hmtoggle_arrow1Memory in export of bling designs
hmtoggle_arrow1Changes in Quick Access ToolBar
hmtoggle_arrow1Styles view changes
hmtoggle_arrow1Changes in Shortcut Keys configuration
hmtoggle_arrow1Help in Smart Design
hmtoggle_arrow1Confirmation in Support Wizard
hmtoggle_arrow1Changes to the Beads Replacement tool
hmtoggle_arrow1Change in Options form
hmtoggle_arrow1Download last Installation password-file


hmtoggle_arrow1Repeats function (bling design)
hmtoggle_arrow1Bling tooltab rearrangement
hmtoggle_arrow1Change in Repeats menu
hmtoggle_arrow1New in Embroidery Sequins
hmtoggle_arrow1New model of bling machine ASP-865-4
hmtoggle_arrow1New spangle sizes
hmtoggle_arrow1Version History