What do I receive when I purchase a Software Subscription?

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What do I receive when I purchase a Software Subscription?

What do I receive when I purchase a Software Subscription?

The software subscription includes the following items:

The installation program

Installation program can be downloaded from the Area for Users. This is always the last available version.

The installation password-file

This file can be downloaded from the Area for Users. This file contains the software specification, and it must be loaded during the installation process.

A guide to install and activate the software

This document can be downloaded from the Area for Users. It includes the step by step instructions to install and activate the software.

In summary, you need to receive from your software dealer a message with the information about how to download the installation program, the installation password file, and the installation guide. No physical shipping is required.

How many software licenses do I get?

The number of licenses you will get when you purchase a software subscription depends on the software line. Besides your main software license, you may receive 1 or 2 additional licenses. Each software license (original or additional) has its own serial number.

You can install and use the software in as many computers as the licenses you receive. Several software licenses mean several workstations for your own use (you cannot transfer the licenses to any other party).